Tuesday 11 June 2013

To all aspiring models and concerned mums!

Occasionally I get letters from concerned mothers whose daughters are either with other agencies or applying to be with other agencies. Recently, I received a letter from a mother who was concerned that her daughter was having to pay to join an agency. She was also worried about so-called ‘ongoing costs’ like ‘Website pages’, ‘PR’, ‘Mail-outs’ and ‘Courier’ costs that she had heard other models were being charged- whether they were getting any jobs or not.

Here at Model Ethics, we have never taken one penny from any of our models for our own costs. The website, admin and other ongoing costs, we bear ourselves. Please, mums out there, do not pay for your child to join an agency! Please also ask, before signing on the dotted line, whether there will be any ongoing bills amounting to hundreds of pounds a year for hidden costs BEFORE joining, so you know what you’re in for!

On the subject, I get dozens of questions about photographers and test shoots. I recommend 5 or 6, not just one. Be wary of agencies attached to just one photographer, they are most likely getting a cut from the photographer’s fees and prints. All test shoots we have done here, we have done for free and compiled a CD for free to help the girls out.

If you are an aspiring model, an initial test shoot with a professional photographer should cost no more than £300 and a make-up artist should be no more than £150 for half a day. Normally the photographer and make-up artist come as a package. Unfortunately, I have heard of girls paying up to £1000 or more for a test shoot! My advice would be, unless you are happy to pay £1000 to start your portfolio, try and find a reputable photographer on Facebook with a bonafide address, who is looking to build his or her portfolio. They may offer their time for free in exchange for your images in their own portfolio, this bartering is a nice way of working as well as being cost effective for you. And remember, make sure you take someone with you when meeting anyone from a website for the first time, especially if you are meeting them at their home or work address.

One last point, in modelling, as in life, be wary of those who ONLY deal in cash. It is hard to prove that large amounts of cash were given or received on jobs. Your agent should pay you straight into your bank account and not hand you over a wad of cash for a job- this is a highly unprofessional and unaccountable way of working- unless your agent is also a market trader, sells sweets or works at the local casino! Your agent should always keep it electronic so you have a digital record of how much was given and received, not to mention for both your tax purposes. Likewise, a photographer should also accept electronic forms of payment. I would suggest, when working with a photographer for the very first time, to keep any payment electronic so you have a record of how much was given for his or her services.

I personally have never come across a ‘dodgy’ photographer but I’ve heard countless stories of bad eggs so just protect yourself!

Above all, parents and kids- trust your gut instincts! If someone is acting shady, avoid them and leave.

Be safe and have fun!

Daisy xxx

Friday 3 February 2012

Easy Living Feature- March 2012

Daisy is very proud to be featured in 'Easy Living' magazine this month.
The shoot took place on the Fifth Floor at Harvey Nichols, where Daisy was surrounded by delicious cakes and a very friendly 'Easy Living' team who helped her glam-up and get shoot-worthy!
The article itself talks about Daisy's love and acceptance of her body after spending many years trying to defy genetics and chocolate pangs! It's a short and sweet story but to the point and we're all happy with the result.
(We'd like to point out that Daisy does NOT eat that many cakes in one sitting! =)

Thursday 11 August 2011

Champ visits the Palace!

Date: Monday 15 August 2011
Time: 17.00-1900
Location: ‘The Palace Project’, 5 Coburg Crescent, Streatham Hill, London SW2 3HS

Lloyd Honeyghan, aka 'Champ' and 'Lloyd the Legend', Former Undisputed Two-Times World Welter-Weight Champion helps to restore faith in the young people of Britain after the London Riots by supporting new sporting activities for young people at ‘The Palace Project’ in Streatham.

British and Jamaican born Honeyghan stunned the boxing world when he forced super-star Donald Curry to retire at the end of round six on 27 September of 1986 to win the world Welterweight title.

On Monday, Lloyd will spend two hours at ‘The Palace Project’. His time there will include a Q&A session from young people and the media. He will speak positively about the young people of Britain and also give tips to aspiring boxers and maybe even throw a few punches too!

The Palace Project is an incredibly important haven for young people in South London which nurtures their talent and confidence in many different areas: sport, music, film, arts and media. Lloyd is keen to focus on the positive at a time when many are demonising the young people of Britain. Lloyd believes this is crucial at this time.

The itinerary is as follows:

17.00: Champ arrives at ‘The Palace Project’
17.20: Champ meets young people and councillors informally
17.20- 17.30: Autographs and pictures
17.30-18.00: Champ and Councillors address group
18.00-18.15: Brief look at Champ’s victory over Don Curry
18.15-18.30: Question and Answer session
18.30-18.45: Final session of autographs and pictures with audience
18.45-19.00: Champ gives tips to boxers (will hit a punch bag)
19.00: Champ says goodbye.

For more information about the venue and activities at the venue, please contact ‘The Palace Project’ on: 0208 678 0909. For more information/press enquiries about Lloyd Honeyghan, please contact his manager Daisy Jones @ Model Ethics www.modelethics.com. Tel: 020 8855 4850 Mob: 0781 427 6814 or email us at:info@modelethics.com.

Thank you!

Monday 8 August 2011

Isabel Losada: 'The Battersea Park Road to Paradise'

Best-selling author, Isabel Losada's sixth and latest book is out NOW! Available from Waterstones and Amazon.

Here's what the press have to say about it:

"Candid thought-provoking, sassy and very very funny." The Daily Telegraph

"Endearing" The Independent

"Very funny and never cynical." Ireland on Sunday

"Great Fun yet always honest." Bookseller

"Swift, snappy and engaging." The Sunday Tribune

"Humorous and Refreshing" The Canberra Times

Isabel is currently on her book tour! Here's where you can find her next:

18th and 19th August:

Knaresborough Festival

20th August 10am - 12 Midday

York Waterstones

Book Signing and chatting

Please go along and say hello and bring your books to get signed and buy a copy of 'The Battersea Park Road to Paradise in the 3 for 2'.

20th August

Pocklington - Near York

'Life, Happiness and The Battersea Park Road to Paradise'

15th September


'The Firestation Arts Centre - 'Bookswap'

Tickets can be bought on the door

19th Sept

for one week...


Clapham Junction Watersones

The SW11 Literature Festival

Isabel will be an art installation herself! She will be 'Author in Residence in Window'. Isabel is spending a week working on a new book in the window of Watersones Bookshop in Clapham Junction - between interruptions. Please go and visit - wave - laugh and mock - and then go into Waterstones and buy a book.

Sat 24th September


London SW11 Literature Festival

29th September

SW11 Literature Festival

'Life, Happiness and The Battersea Park Road to Paradise'

Wednesday 5th October

7pm - 9.30pm



Booka Bookshop and Cafe

'Life, Happiness and the Battersea Park Road to Paradise'.

So, no excuses for not finding her! :)

Monday 11 April 2011

SPEAK UP: MIND AND BODY BEAUTIFUL WORKSHOP, APRIL 15th 2011, Covent Garden, 14.30-16.30

Hello ladies! This Friday Daisy will be acting in Covent Garden for an excellent cause, she will be holding a workshop with Marina Sarsenova- creator of the 'Mind and Body Beautiful' workshop. The aim is to help create a positive body image and increase self-esteem through role-play. They will also introduce a few exercises that are great for combating negative thoughts and emotions when it comes to body image.

According to a survey conducted by Grazia magazine in 2006, a British woman worries about her size and shape every fifteen minutes. Out of 5,000 women in twenty British cities who took the survey only 2% were happy with their body weight.

Our unhealthy preoccupation with body weight and size is a hazard with as many as 1.6 million people currently suffering with eating disorders in the UK.

SPEAK UP is a charity that helps people solve their problems with role-play using actors. Marina has been volunteering for them since November last year as part of her Masters in Health and Social Marketing. The final part of her module was to come up with a project hence the birth of the “Mind and Body Beautiful” Workshop.

We promise it will be a fun and insightful two hours of your life. In return for your presence and participation a few surprises will be thrown in.

It is this Friday 15th April, from 2.30pm-4.30pm, we will disclose the location in central Covent Garden for those ladies who are interested and message us at info@modelethics.com.

The workshop will be divided into 2 parts with a short break in between.

Please wear something comfortable and bring a pen/pencil with you.

There is no charge as it is our first workshop and is a pilot-test for things to come.

It is also a great opportunity for you to play a part in pioneering a new and innovative way of getting women to feel better about themselves.

Thursday 6 January 2011

HELLO 2011!

Firstly, a big thanks to Cosmo Slovenia for their amazing shoutout to us in their December issue and thank you to all of those who supported, worked and came aboard with us last year!
We're expecting a busy year ahead and will continue to grow. We may even have some exciting news coming up for you shortly!
Thank you, thank you, thank you everyone!

Monday 18 October 2010

Model Ethics in Elle Slovenia!

Model Ethics is in Elle Slovenia this month! Daisy did an interview about how the agency started and what it is really all about! We want to promote health, wellbeing, positive body image and push great female role models for young women! Be sure to check us out!